No.4 愛することと、ひとりになること


【質問】 「私はボーイフレンドのことをとても愛していて、彼と一緒にいたいと思うのですが、それと同時に、ひとりになりたいとも思います。どうしてでしょうか? (東京、N. O. )」

【答え】 他の人たちと一緒にいるとき、例えばボーイフレンドやガールフレンド、夫や妻、または親戚や友人、あるいは同僚と一緒にいるときでさえも、通常私たちは、自分と他者の間に起こる親密さや愛から栄養をもらいます。相手からの作用や、自分の中で引き出されたものによって、また共にいることで自分が感じ、見て、聞くことから栄養を受けとります。








– Essential Living- No.1 Love and Being Alone

We recently received some questions that we want to answer here in our blog, because the answers may be helpful not only for the person who has asked, but also for others.

“I really love my boyfriend and want to stay with him, but at the same time, I want to be alone. Why?”
N. O. from Tokyo

When we are with others, with a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, with relatives, friends or even co-workers, we are usually nourished by the closeness or even love that happens between us and the other, by what the other is touching and bringing out in us, by what we feel, see and hear in being together. It usually feels good to receive this nourishment and most people, like you, are aware of their need for it.

However, we also naturally need some time to be alone, to digest what we received from being together with the other, to find our own rhythm and to be close to ourselves. Being alone is as important as being together and actually makes the relationships even more nourishing and harmonious, because it also allows the other person to find their rhythm and being in our own rhythm rejuvenates both.

In order to enjoy being alone and finding your own rhythm you don’t have to leave your boyfriend or live alone. It can happen in many different ways, even for short moments. Perhaps by listening to a beautiful piece of music and letting the music touch you inside. Or stretching out and reading your favorite book. Perhaps by going for a walk in nature, feeling your body as you walk, looking at the trees, flowers, or at the houses and people.

The sensitivity to feel your natural rhythm comes from the heart. Doing a simple heart meditation can connect you with your heart and doing this repeatedly will increase your sensitivity over time. Difficulties that happen because your rhythm is not recognized or respected will disappear as your heart functions more through paying attention to the delicate feelings, and through listening to the soft whispering messages of your heart. Participating in groups that stimulate and support your sensitivity can be a blessing in your life.

2010年8月18日 @ 18:50

Essential Living 

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